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Synthetic Grass and Rubber

Synthetic Grass Safety Surfacing

Soft Fall Safety Surfacing

A soft fall surface is designed to absorb impact from falls and protect against injury in a playground environment.  It can be made from foam or rubber layers with a synthetic grass surface. Each piece of playground equipment will have its own free fall height measure and its own soft fall perimeter.

Playground manufacturers may stipulate what soft fall is required.  However, if this has not been provided, we are able to calculate the necessary requirements due to our extensive experience in this area. 

Our synthetic grass and rubber soft fall systems conform to the Australian Standard ASNZ4422:1996 and are certified soft fall surfaces.  Following installation by our team of expert installers, we will issue a Certificate of Compliance.

Unsure if you're existing playground meets the legal requirements?  We can carry out testing and make any necessary recommendations to ensure compliance.

Wear Layers

Please note, where no playground equipment has been installed, wear layers using synthetic grass can be used in place of soft fall.  This can help to manage your budget as effectively as possible.

Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour in front of Sydney City - Our Locations | Synthetic Grass and Rubber Surfaces

Sydney Office:


3 Tepko Road, Terrey Hills, NSW, 2084


(02) 9986 1144


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